Pixel Cat Club Eco-system

We will have an integrated NFT functionality to be used as characters in our online Gamefi P2E game, some of the features we have planned are;

Members will eventually be able to compete for rewards by completing set quests throughout our online game and earning an in-game currency, single player and multiple tournament options will be available with a number of different games and quests made available as we progress and continue to build the project and brand.

Profits from sales within our Merch Store will be injected back into the community and project development.

Pixel Cat Club shall also work with any Metaverse Land project by purchasing and allowing members to play within our owned parcels until we can afford to build and release our own Metaverse Land to our own and other projects.

Metaverse NFTs – A type of PFP Avatars that represent the owner’s personalized identity in the Pixel Cat Club Metaverse

Pixel Cat Club is an inventive new way to monetise social interaction and allows friends to connect and learn more about the crypto space. Users can unlock a brand new way of interacting with the community and earn as they play. Pixel Cat Club makes it easier for newcomers to enter an otherwise intimidating space through a socially charged community.